International Parliament For Safety & Peace / Lebanon & Middle East

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

International Parliament For Safety and Peace - Dr. Haissam Bou - Said

A meeting was held between Hon. Dr. Haissam Bou – Said / IPSP Deputy Member of the National Assembly and Hon. Nawar El Sahili / Deputy Member of the Lebanese National Assembly. They both discussed parliamentary and legislations issues that concern both entities. Hon. Al Sahili was very comprehensive and cooperative.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dr. Bashar Al-Assad point of views

I went into the last interview made with Dr. Bachar Al-Assad President of the Arab Syrian Republic on he Manar television. President Assad seems to be very relaxed and sure on the topics he had to comment on it. He pointed a large view on the Conflict in the Middle East. He seems to be sure of what he needs for Syria and the region. I admire the approach on the Lebanese aspect, despite the insults he received from some Lebanese Leaders. He showed once again that the true politician should never mix between what he likes and what is suppose to be in the Diplomacy issues.

Deputy Member of the National Assembly
& Diplomatic Counselor to Lebanon

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hon. Dr. Haissam Bou - Said wrote on the war against President Michel sleiman

War against president Michel Sleiman
Lebanese President Michel Sleiman is being attacked by some of the Lebanese politicians on his duty in the office. After a long and deep study, it seems that President Michel Sleiman is facing a lot of political pressure to change his taught to please certain greediest performance. President Sleiman proves to be a person of state since he occupied the office. The only obstacle for the President in Lebanon is that he needs more constitutional reform at the presidency law reform to enable him ruling better off.


IPSP Deputy Member of the National Assembly

& Diplomatic Counselor to Lebanon

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Natural Health Struggle

The Problem we are facing recently in Lebanon beside politics is in Natural Health, where Conventional Medical order is trying to stop the use of natural Medicine and treatments by all means. They are pretending that Natural medicine is a Fake matter. The Minister of Public Health and the Ministry in Lebanon are aware the International laws that urge Governments to apply with TCM. The Medical order in Lebanon are not willing to comply with TCM as it seems from their behaviour. They are tighting the rope on those who are healing with Natural treatments. More information will be published from our side later

IPSP Deputy Member of the National Assembly
& Diplomatic Counselor to Lebanon
WONM Ambassador to Lebanon

Conflict advise for the Middle East conflict

A lot of political views regarding the conflict in the Middle East are being misguided on purpose or by mistake. In order to find the right tract is to start serious talk with Syria and President Dr. Bachar El-Assad who plays an important role in the region and especially in the Arab-Israeli conflict. No state can neglect this important role of Syria in this dilemma. They hold the most important curves in this struggle in the region. Any negotiations in the near future avoiding President Assad will lead to a huge failure. Bypassing Syria will never bring peace to the region. The geopolitical background before approaching such political issues is a must. Syria will never submit to any black mailing from any side.

IPSP Deputy Member of the National Assembly
& Diplomatic Counselor to Lebanon
WONM Ambassador to Lebanon

Diplomatic affairs in the Middle East

The main problem in the Middle East is the Arab-Israelis conflict. It is effecting most of the National and International States policies in the World. A deep strategy, neglecting the religious involvements and goals, will bring this issue to a possible solution. This is a matter of a neutral and strong diplomacy affairs

IPSP Deputy Member of the National Assembly
& Diplomatic Counselor to Lebanon
WONM Ambassador to Lebanon

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Doctor Haissam is Deputy Member of the National Assembly of the INTERNATIONAL PARLIAMENT FOR SAFETY & PEACE - IPSP
- Diplomatic Counselor for Lebanon - IPSP
- WONM Ambassador / Lebanon