International Parliament For Safety & Peace / Lebanon & Middle East

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

About the IPSP

The International States Parliament for Safety and Peace (ISPSP) was founded December 15, 1975 by a letter of the Constitution of the International Legislative Assembly. It was juridically recognized by the International Law and the first nations to recognize it were the United States and Italy. It is parallel to the United Nations and, like the United Nations, has representative embassadors from all nations. The headquarters of the ISPSP is in Italy. The Lord President of the Parliament is the Archbishop Viktor Busa, President of the Council of the States. The International First Vice President of the ISPSP is Dr. Hugo Chavez Frias, President of the Republic of Venezuela.
After looking for the concurrence of all of the nations in the world, through their representative governments, the Parliament counts with 400 senators, 800 deputies, ambassadors and ministers, who contribute, like their President and General Secretary, with their volunteer work, to the cause of peace.

The work of the delegates and ministers of the ISPSP towards peace and enforcement of the respect for life and human rights includes rendering help and support to all of the people of the world, observing the right of safety and peace in alI aspects: moral, political, diplomatic, cultural, religious, economic and social. This is free to the governments. ISPSP organizes commissions to send to the country in need, with the participation of volunteer ministers and parlamentary diplomats, who travel and work free of charge in order to resolve conflicts and help to re-establish security and peace. Following the re-establishment of safety and peace, Lord Viktor Busa gives, as incentive, Peace Trophies to the head of the places or countries where the commission worked.

The work of the agents of the ISPSP is paying off with good results in many places. Once a year, there is a congress of the ISPSP, where Delegates present their reports. Victorious interventions have been worked out and reported from the Diplomatic Crisis between Turkey and Chipre; the crisis between Somalia and Ethiopia; between Iran and Irak, Equador and Peru, and the conflict in Uganda. The ISPSP also has made a contribution of diplomatic intervention in wars of several countries and places, as in the Middle East, in the civil war in Sri Lanka, in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, in Rwanda, Congo, Angola and Mozambique. There are diplomats from the ISPSP working in South Africa, Moldavia, Russia and Chechynia. In support of the United Nations, Lord Busa and the ISPSP have participated in the Conferences of Addis, Ababa and Vienna.

As observers, the ISPSP has sent parlamentaries to the general elections En Congo. The democratization of the Republic of Congo started in 1990. In this process, Lord Viktor Busa cooperated with the Congolese government in order to give the people assurance of security and to admit the need for immediate peace. ISPSP organized a local sub-division with several Congolese members of different categories, notable jurists, high functionaries, ministries, etc. to negociate peace with agressors from the borders of DRC. When the aggression intensifed, Lord Busa himself organized a series of international conferences, in order to gather international support. This contributed to the acceleration of the United Nation's resolution in sending in the "blue helmets" and in assisting in the reconstruction of the nation. There are evidences of recognition of the authorities of several countries, who send to Lord Busa their letters, memoranda, and other tokens of their gratitude for the Parliament services.

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